Trained in Specialist Cancer Massage Therapy through the Amethyst Trust, FACE by Ruth offers those living with Cancer and their families our Specialist Massage Treatment Experience.
Living with Cancer takes an enormous toll on body and mind, both for the sufferer and their family. Creating space, allowing your body and mind the chance to be soothed and fully relax and creating a positive environment is an important part of recovery. Research has suggested that specialist massage during this difficult time may help to reduce pain, depression and anxiety and to aid positive thinking. It aims to restore a sense of well being, improve physical and emotional confidence, helps express emotions and deal with feelings of anger, develop acceptance of emotional and physical circumstances, reduce nausea, improve sleep and reduce discomfort.
The FACE by Ruth Specialist Massage Experience is a bespoke package, carefully created to address your needs and requirements. The experience is an hour long full body massage, with or without aromatherapy oils, with time set aside after your massage for you to rest, relax and enjoy a cup of herbal, peppermint or fruit tea.
We recommend a regular course of treatment in order to gain the maximum effect from the experience, this is usually weekly or bi monthly, but can be tailored to suit you.
We understand that close family share the burden with you, and we would like to offer them the chance to relax and unwind in a calm and tranquil environment, relieving tension and stress. If you book a FACE by Ruth Specialist Massage Treatment Experience, you may pick up to 3 family members who are able to receive 30% discount on any 1 hour Massage Treatment Experience.
Call or book today for your free consultation.