As the current situation stands, we are very much still open for business! Given the daily changes and increased cases of COVID-19, we closely monitor the advice given by NHS England daily and follow all advice produced for clinicians and the primary health sector.
As all our clients are already aware, we have always had the highest clinical standards within our clinic and adhere to strict guidelines regarding patient safety and cleanliness. Our Market Drayton clinic is itself isolated as a single unit with no other person contact, away from the house and groups of people, opening out onto fields only. Appointments here are on a 1:1 basis only, and so much safer.
So, what are we doing to help keep everyone, including ourselves safe? Well we’re doing what we have always done, practicing to a high clinical standard… we’re just doing more of it!
What are we doing to keep everyone safe?
- Continuing excellent clinical standards/aseptic technique.
- Increasing deep cleans in the clinic.
- Using Clinicept + and Chlorhexidine wipes as normal to sterilise skin.
- Clinell surface wipes used before and after each client on all surfaces.
- The cover has been removed from our treatment couch, so we can thoroughly wash down the couch before and after each patient contact.
- Extra hand washing/hand sanitising for staff and clients, upon entering, during treatment and before leaving.
- Review appointments will be carried out by telephone or any other suitable method instead of face to face, in order to limit traveling for both staff and clients – except for emergencies or necessary treatment updates/adjustments/continuation of treatment.
- We are ensuring more time between appointments to allow for extra cleaning and sanitising
- We plan to keep open and frequent communication with clients regarding updates of advice, any reports of COVID-19 or illness, staff or client.
- As always, we are ensuring that we keep up to date with all government advice and will update clients accordingly.
What can you do?
- Travel – if you have been abroad to any country, please re arrange your appointment for after your self-isolation period.
- If you notice symptoms – Dry cough, Temperature or shortness of breath, you must not attend your appointment. You must follow Government advice and self-isolate. Only call 111 if your symptoms get worse, or your suffering becomes too great to bear or if symptoms continue for more than 7 days.
- If you feel at all un-well, under the weather or just a little ‘off’, please re arrange your appointment as you normally would, for when you feel better.
- Ensure you wash your hand regularly using soap and water and use alcohol gel for in between times.
- Keep open communication with family, friends and us – we all need to be aware if you become un-well or are concerned about symptoms.
- Avoid contact with those who are poorly or sick.
- Avoid all unnecessary gatherings and areas where there are groups of people, aim to maintain a safe distance from other people.
- Keep up to date with advice. Use reputable sources such as:
The key point here is that we should be supporting everyone, whilst keeping ourselves and our families safe. Follow advice, don’t panic, use level judgement and common sense. We will all know vulnerable people, so aim to help and support them in anyway you can, whilst not putting yourself in danger. Start planning… plan for how you might be able to keep contact with a vulnerable relative, friend or neighbour, plan for childcare and work, research outdoor spaces that would be suitable for exercise, read up on Government financial support for businesses and families. Doing these little things now could save some stress further down the line. Most of all, stay calm, lets approach this together, lets find solutions to the problems and work through them.
We are on the end of the telephone, social media or email should you need to contact us at any time.
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